Obra D. Tompkins High School Falcon Band
The name of the organization is the Obra D. Tompkins High School Falcon Band Booster Organization (“OTHS Band Booster Organization”).
The purpose of the OTHS Band Booster Organization is to cooperate with the local Board of Education, the School Administration, and Band Directors in supporting the interests and activities of the band students. It operates as a non-profit and charitable organization as defined by the current and applicable Internal Revenue Code, Texas Business and Organizations Code, and Texas Secretary of State.
All parents and guardians of students participating in any aspect of the OTHS Band Program are eligible for membership in the OTHS Band Booster Organization. Each family is entitled to the same number of memberships as there are students in the OTHS Band Program, provided each member pays Membership Dues as outlined below. Without payment for multiple memberships, it is assumed that each family maintains one membership per child in the OTHS Band in that academic year.
Membership Dues
Payment of Membership Dues and satisfying the Membership Requirements above grant that member Voting Rights. Membership Dues for an academic year will be established by majority vote of the Band Booster Board at a meeting in the closing months of the preceding academic school year. Dues are payable in prior to the beginning of the academic school year or whenever a new member joins and will apply to one academic year. Dues payment deadlines are established by the OTHS Band Booster Board.
Voting Rights
Each Member of the OTHS Band Booster Organization in good standing is entitled to one vote for any matters subject to a vote of the OTHS Band Booster Organization at large.
The OTHS Band Booster Organization will maintain a Band Booster Board (“Booster Board”) which will be comprised of the following officers: President, Vice President At-Large, Vice President – Volunteers, Vice President – Fundraising, Vice President – Communications, Vice President – Events, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary.
Booster Board Officer Duties
President – The President shall be the principal executive officer of the OTHS Band Booster Organization and Booster Board and shall supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. They will preside over all meetings, both of the Booster Board and OTHS Band Booster Organization at large. The President is also authorized to co-sign expenditures of the OTHS Band Booster Organization at any level. The President is also an ex- officio member of all committees created by the Booster Board.
Vice President At-Large – The Vice President At-Large maintains all duties of the President in the event the President is unable to act, refuses to act, or is unable to continue to serve as President until a Replacement President is established. The Vice President At-Large will also conduct an annual audit of the OTHS Band Booster Organization’s financial records and report their findings to the Booster Board. The Vice President At-Large also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Vice President – Volunteers – The Vice President – Volunteers acts as the lead for recruiting, training, and oversight of all volunteer needs of the OTHS Band Booster Organization and the OTHS Band program. They are charged with volunteer involvement and work with other members of the Booster Board to ensure that volunteer requirements are met. The Vice President - Volunteers also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Vice President – Fundraising – The Vice President – Fundraising serves as the lead for organizing fundraising events, coordinating with outside entities in sponsorship and other donation opportunities, and coordinating with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer regarding funds needed to participate in various fundraising activities and transfer of monies raised at fundraising activities. The Vice President - Fundraising also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Vice President – Communications – The Vice President – Communications is responsible for all communications between the Booster Board and the OTHS Band Booster Organization. They are also responsible for maintaining any media platforms that the Booster Board elects to operate to communicate with the OTHS Band Booster Organization or the public at large. The Vice President – Communications also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Vice President – Events – The Vice President – Events is responsible for coordination of all non- fundraising events. They coordinate with other members of the Booster Board and OTHS Band Booster Organization to ensure event success. The Vice President - Events also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Treasurer – The Treasurer is the custodian of the funds of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. The Treasurer is in charge of disbursing of funds by order of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. The Treasurer must keep all vouchers for all disbursements, together with a correct record of the same. A detailed report must be presented at each meeting. Upon expiration of their term of office, the Treasurer must deliver all monies and properties of the OTHS Band Booster Organization to the newly elected Treasurer. If for some reason the club becomes inactive, the Treasurer must deliver the balance of the OTHS Band Booster Organization treasury to the proper authorities for deposit in the band activity account for use for band purposes only.
Assistant Treasurer – The Assistant Treasurer maintains all duties of the Treasurer and serves as the Treasurer in the event the Treasurer is unable to act, refuses to act, or unable to continue to serve as Treasurer until a Replacement Treasurer is established. The Assistant Treasurer also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Secretary – The Secretary takes minutes of each meeting, apprises all committees of their appointments, and keeps all official documents of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. The Secretary also shall perform such other duties assigned to them by the President or Booster Board.
Booster Board Officer Requirements
Officers must be fully paid members of the OTHS Band Booster Organization.
Booster Board Election
The election of Booster Board Officers will be held in the first quarter of the Calendar Year. The election of Booster Board Officers may occur at an in-person general meeting, or by electronic election. Booster Board Officers are elected by a majority vote of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. Officers are elected for a period of two years, with a limit of two consecutive terms in any officer position.
Booster Board Replacement
A vacancy of any office because of death, resignation, removal or otherwise may be filled by the Booster Board for the unexpired portion of the Officer’s term.
Booster Board Officer Removal
Any Officer may be removed at the request of any other Officer or at the request of the Band Director. Upon notice of the request of removal, the Booster Board will hold a Special Booster Board Meeting to conduct a discussion and vote on removal. Removal of the Officer shall only occur with a majority vote of all Booster Board Members. The vacancy will be filled in accordance with the by-laws above.
Booster Board Meetings
The Booster Board shall meet monthly. With approval by all members of the Booster Board, a monthly meeting may be passed, however, in the event a monthly meeting is passed, the next month a meeting must be held.
Booster Board Meetings will discuss old business, new business, day-to-day activities of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. Any matter to be decided by the Booster Board will be passed with a majority vote of all Officers. Officers not in attendance can communicate their vote on any particular matter via any electronic means available.
General Meetings
The Booster Board will set all General Meeting dates and publish said dates before school commences for the new academic year.
General Meetings shall be held no fewer than two times in a single school year.
General Meetings may be held in conjunction with other meetings or events of the OTHS
Band Booster Organization or OTHS Band Program.
General Meetings will discuss old business, new business, elections (when applicable) and
year-long goals/activities/targets of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. Any matter to be decided by the general membership will be passed with a majority vote of the Members present.
Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, the band director, or by written request of four members of the Booster Board. The call for the meeting must state the business to be transacted, and no business other than that stated will be allowed at the called meeting.
Special Meetings for General Membership matters must be published to the General Membership no fewer than 2 business days prior to the meeting.
Special Meetings do not need to be held in-person if other technologies are available.
OTHS Band Booster Organization Expenditures
Only the general membership at a General Meeting or Special Meeting may commit the OTHS Band Booster Organization to incur financial obligations in excess of $20,000. A majority vote of the General Members present at the meeting is required.
The Booster Board, at a Booster Board Meeting or a Special Meeting, may commit the OTHS Band Booster Organization to incur financial obligations between $0 and $20,000. A majority vote is required.
An operating budget identifying income and expenditures of the OTHS Band Booster Organization must be approved by a majority of the Booster Board Officers once every academic or calendar year. The approved budget will then be presented at a General or Special Meeting within one month of the Booster Board approval. The budget must be approved by a majority of OTHS Band Booster Members in attendance at the General or Special Meeting.
Checks and Drafts
All checks or other authorized expenditure payments must be executed by two members of the Booster Board provided that one signatory is either the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer.
All reimbursements must be presented to the Booster Board or Treasurer within 30 days of the expenditure. Reimbursements presented beyond this time period may be denied or reviewed by the Booster Board for reimbursement.
The OTHS Booster Board may, from time to time, establish various committees to further the goals of the OTHS Band Booster Organization. These Committees shall have a chairperson and members but hold no official office or have any voting position on the Booster Board. These chairpersons serve at the pleasure of the Booster Board and can be removed at-will.
These by-laws may be amended by the OTHS Band Booster Organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any General or Special Meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been published to the general membership at least 10 days prior to a meeting.